Merry Solstice

Yes, you read right, Solstice. Not Christmas, not all the others. (Solstice falls on the 21 or 22 depending on the year.)

Solstice wasn’t just the beginning of winter, a small printed date on your calendar and you know it will get colder. It’s the beginning of winter and an important holiday to Pagans. Druids, Celts and Many of the days and places before Christianity wiped them all out for a long time celebrated the Goddess who would be pregnant with the sun god at this time. The Goddess was worshiped because she gave birth, it wasn’t some burden she had to carry.

And Solstice is all about Light. Even in the darkness of a cold winter, some light can always be seen, far away in the future.

Every religion has at least one thing in common with another. And no matter what religion you celebrate, around this time the messages are quite similar. Hope. Believing. Caring. Being kind to others and thinking about your actions. People should care about each other.

And that’s what Solstice is all about. Even in darkness there is light. Even if you trusted and someone betrayed you, don’t give up. Try again. Everyone has had something hurtful happen in their pasts.

And that’s why we should come together on this holiday. Not even necessarily  in the physical, because it’s silly to think that if you’re all alone on Christmas you should get depressed. You are never alone in your heart. Somewhere out there someone remembers a smile you gave them in passing, or maybe a stranger is dreaming of someone just like you.

Too many people think that Christmas is an excuse to judge and to bury themselves in buying things. ‘My neighbor isn’t Lutheran. There is no way I’m gonna pray for him.’ Or how about this one. ‘My relative is Pagan. How could I ever be in the same house with her?’

When your walking down the street, don’t be disgusted by those that are different from you, be inspired, be excited! This world has enough hate in it without people contributing more of their junk. Be a little more open. The deepest of friendships will embrace another religion. Gender, skin color, religion and sexual preference shouldn’t change the way you feel about someone. Because a soul connection is what really counts.

Be kind to those around you, because Goddess, God, Allah, Spirit or whatever you call the person you pray or don’t pray to is watching. Somebody, even if you don’t believe in God or Goddess is proud of you.

So keep striving. Keep being kind to people. And give some change to that homeless person on the corner, no matter who they are.

To sum up what I’m trying to say, here is one of my favorite holiday tunes. I strongly believe in the message. It’s by Dar Williams and is entitled The Christians and the Pagans. (And please, please, please don’t go running off afraid of the Pentacle. I am going to tell you the truth right now. The pentacle is not a sign of the devil, most pagans do not even believe in the devil. It is a sign of Unity, peace, love and connection. If anyone told you otherwise they have not been educated.)

Maybe if more people could follow the example of this beautiful song there wouldn’t be so much fighting in the world.

Love people no matter who they are, and remember if you’re the one hurting, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You are not alone.

Happy Holidays, no matter what kind you celebrate.

~August Ostara